版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Don't touch my phone is the anti theft app that detects motion when someone tries to touch your phone without your permission. This is the most reliable Mobile Safety Alarm for your device. Dont Touch My Phone - Theft Alarm with password is the best for Mobile Lock 2019.
do not touch my phone is very simple to use for trigger alarm and mobile antitheft security such as mobile safety alarm and mobile thief catcher. Just press the activate button and you are good to go for phone theft security alarm. This phone anti-theft alarm app have also PIN protection system i will ask password when an alarm will beep don't touch my phone PIN is highly protected.now crooks don't touch my phone any more. No one touched phone any more. alarme anti furto will be disabled only with pin system. phone alarm will also need pin for disabling the alarm. So now you don't have to say anybody that please don't touch anything and don't touch my smartphone or don't touch phone privacy. Alarme antifurto got your back.
Key Features of dont touch my phone<\b>
do not touch my phone
don't touch my phone
dont touch my phone
dont touch anything
don't touch phone privacy
dont touch my smartphone
anti furto
antifurto de celular
who touched my phone
don't touch anything
mobile touch
alarme antifurto
please don't touch
alarme anti furto
don t touch my phone
mobile alarm touch
anti-theft alarm
burglar alarm
theft security
thief catcher
safety alarm
antitheft security
trigga alarm
don't touch my phone is the major need of current era for protection against anti furto de celular. So every one should use don't touch anything and don't touch my smartphone app. Don't touch phone privacy also. You will know who touched my phone.Best mobile alarm touch app for anti theft alarm and burglar alarm . Main features include are theft security and thief catcher for safety alarm and anti-theft security and trigga alarm. Best anti touch phone app.
Prevent unauthorized access with quick and easy setup
1. Press START to activate the Anti Theft Alarm.
2. Place the device on a fixed place e.g. Table